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More information for customers of the Hradec Králové transport company and the handling of their claims regarding fare payments

Published: 30. 05. 2024

Reading time: 2 minutes

As a result of a service outage at our supplier, payments for transport provided by the Hradec Králové Public Transport Company have not been posted in recent weeks. The error has now been corrected by our supplier and all transactions are currently being cleared; they may appear cumulatively in one payment. The amount charged may therefore be the aggregate of several tickets that the supplier’s system has combined into one transaction for the payment card you used to pay for the fares.

If you need to verify the correctness of a cumulative payment, please contact us at The Hradec Králové Public Transport Company is currently unable to trace and resolve the issue, so at this time (and temporarily) the only way to verify payment details is directly with us at ČSOB at the address provided above. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are processing all requests as quickly as possible, and in order to make it easier for us to obtain information on a claim, there is important information we would like to ask you for to help us confirm the legitimacy of your request. In addition to the amount and date of the transaction, we would like to ask you for additional information that may help identify the ticket or multiple tickets. This includes the masked number of your card linked to the account with the transaction (i.e. the card number with several selected digits replaced by another symbol, e.g. in the format 123456******7890), the variable symbol (VS) of the payment and the designation of the carrier or transport company (e.g. using the terminal number from the receipt or ticket, etc.). We will use this information to check the tickets paid for by card and if the total amount does not match the amount charged, we will arrange for the money to be refunded to the account without undue delay.

We thank you kindly in advance for the information you provide and we firmly believe that we will quickly resolve the situation to our mutual satisfaction. We would like to apologise to all Hradec Králové Public Transport customers and our partner, the Hradec Králové Public Transport Company, once again.