Not only VISA and Mastercard: our terminals can handle any card
The more cards your terminal accepts, the more money people can spend with you. It’s that simple. And it is great that our payment terminals can handle all cards, both […]

Environmental aspects of payment methods
Ochrana životního prostředí se stává prioritou pro řadu firem, které implementují ekologická řešení do svého každodenního provozu. Výjimkou není ani platební styk. V dnešní době je obchodníkům k dispozici řada udržitelných platebních […]

Tomáš Korbas: Next time we want an innovation award
Being the Czech leader in payment terminals is great, but Tomáš Korbas, our Managing Director of Global Acquiring, wishes to go one step further. “E-commerce is where we would like […]

ČSOB Push Payment: online payment card acceptance which does not require payment gateway integration
Are you looking for a seamless and efficient way to accept online card payments without the need for complex payment gateway integrations? Push Payments from ČSOB are an ideal solution, […]

More information for customers of the Hradec Králové transport company and the handling of their claims regarding fare payments
The customer line will be closed on 10/10/2024. As a result of a service outage at our supplier, payments for transport provided by the Hradec Králové Public Transport Company have […]

ČSOB notification concerning card payments for public transport
The customer service line will be closed on 10/10/2024. As a result of a service outage at our supplier, card payments for public transport passenger fares have not been charged […]