Platba kartou ČSOB
Money in the account by the next day
Installation and service directly at your place of business and 24/7 support
Increase turnover by up to 30%
Every company and entrepreneur chooses a terminal
Calculate the transaction fee
Transaction amount
Values valid for a VISA consumer debit card issued in the Czech Republic were used to calculate the fee. This is the total amount of the fee, which includes both the ČSOB commission, the fee to the card scheme and the interchange fee received by the card issuer. The calculation is valid for the START offer (monthly card turnover up to CZK 50,000). For higher turnovers, we will prepare an individual price offer.
Payment terminals
We price the rental of payment terminals exactly according to your needs
Payment gateway
Getting the payment gateway up and running is very simple using our instructions.
We accept these credit cards and methods of payment
What can we help you with?
Payment terminals
We will help you choose the ideal payment terminal according to your needs. Whether that be a stationary terminal, portable terminal suitable for restaurants, self-service terminal or a terminal that is operated via mobile phones.
Payment gateway
Payment gateways enable your clients to pay quickly and securely. We support a number of payment methods and our solutions are compatible with most e-shop systems.
It is very easy to set up a payment gateway with the help of our instructions.
I need help
Are you looking for some specific information or instructions? Do you need help solving a technical issue? Or perhaps something isn’t working? Then you are in the right place. We have prepared instructions and manuals for you, and of course, our specialists, who are available to you 24/7, 365 days a year.
Latest blog articles
Environmental aspects of payment methods
Ochrana životního prostředí se stává prioritou pro řadu firem, které implementují ekologická řešení do svého každodenního provozu. Výjimkou není ani platební styk. V dnešní době je obchodníkům k dispozici řada udržitelných platebních […]
Tomáš Korbas: Next time we want an innovation award
Being the Czech leader in payment terminals is great, but Tomáš Korbas, our Managing Director of Global Acquiring, wishes to go one step further. “E-commerce is where we would like […]
ČSOB Push Payment: online payment card acceptance which does not require payment gateway integration
Are you looking for a seamless and efficient way to accept online card payments without the need for complex payment gateway integrations? Push Payments from ČSOB are an ideal solution, […]
Are you interested in our solutions?
Do not hesitate to contact us and we will prepare an offer directly for you!